Airship Forge Rates

✤ This is a page that shows the crafting rates for Airship Forge.
✤ If you have any question regarding the crafting rate, please contact our Support Center.

■ Crafting Rate of Each Set Options

(1) Rates of Acquiring Breaker/Fortification/Vitality Set Options
- Breaker : 33.3%
- Fortification : 33.3%
- Vitality: 33.3%

(2) Rates of Acquiring Critical/Sniper/Dash Set Options
- Critical : 33.3%
- Sniper : 33.3%
- Dash : 33.3%

(3) Rates of Acquiring Resistance/Red Blood/Retaliation/Destruction Set Options
- Resistance : 25%
- Red Blood : 25%
- Retaliation : 25%
- Destruction : 25%

■ Crafting Rate of Each Equipment Tier

(1) Rate of Acquiring Each Equipment Tier
- Rare : 35%
- Legendary : 53%
- Fated : 12%

✤ Please note that Common/Magical Tier equipment does not appear in Airship Forge crafting.

■ Primary(Main) Stats

In DESPERADO B218: Journey through Memory Lane, there are six parts of equipment that can be equipped to heroes.

And depending on the equipment part, the types of primary stats that can be applied vary.

(1) Primary(Main) Stats for Equipment Parts

■ Secondary Stats(Sub Options)

There are total of 11 types of secondary stats that can be obtained upon crafting the equipment. And the number of secondary stats initially granted upon acquiring equipment varies depending on the equipment's tier (rarity).

(1) Types of Secondary Stats
- Attack
- Defense
- HP
- Attack%
- Defense%
- HP%
- Critical Hit Rate%
- Critical Hit Damage%
- Effect Hit%
- Effect Resist%
- Attack Speed

(2) Number of Initial Stats for Each Equipment Tier
* Common - 0
* Magical - 1
* Rare - 2
* Legendary - 3
* Fated - 4

Fated Tier equipment comes with a default of four secondary stats upon acquisition, while Common to Legendary Tier equipment can have additional secondary stats based on their enhancement levels.

All equipment can have a maximum of four secondary stats.
For equipment like Fated Tier, which already has four secondary stats, or for equipment that acquires new stats at specific enhancement stages, the existing stats will be enhanced at stages where no new stats are added.

Additionally, when obtaining new secondary stats through equipment enhancement, the types of primary stats and secondary stats that are already applied cannot be acquired.

✤ Please note that rate(probability) of acquiring each stat is [1 divided by the number of secondary stat that can be acquired].
✤ Please note that the only one of the existing secondary stat will be enhanced upon stat enhancement, not all of them. Also, the chance of each secondary stats being enhanced is [1 divided by the number of stats the equipment has].

■ Increment of Secondary Stats(Sub Options)

Each enhancement of secondary stats has a total of five phase of increase. The magnitude of these increases varies depending on the equipment's tier. When a stat is enhanced, the increase corresponding to the enhancement phase is added to the owned stat.

When a stat is enhanced, the enhancement phase is determined with a probability of 1 divided by the number of possible enhancement levels.